

POS system sourcing

One of Tokyo client is asking TW office to help on POS system vendor sourcing. It is interesting to know there are two types of vendor providing service: Standard type:  fixed interface and minor additional modules , takes more steps to achieve a specific function // low cost(~150k TWD per year), quick implementation period Project base:  high customization level, fit to the needs. 10-fold more costs compare to standard type, takes 4~6 months complete the system implementation It is important to consider a system that flexible and expandable in the future but also allocate the budget in an efficient way. Although everyone know this simple key point, it is hard to see the roads and make a decision given unpredictable world, dilemma is everywhere. Hope I can have a strong view ( I guess more mental part) on this topic in the near future.

Taiwan baby care product

Recently, a market research that support to baby care product in Taiwan expansion is ongoing. Fortunately, we got Euromonitor database on market size and forecast trend on most topics. To verify the data is the next step we should do, however, the desktop research end up with few quantitative information on overall market and not to mention further deep down to each segments. In the end, we tried using price x volume to verify the overall market size and say the figures provided by Euromonitor is reasonable. Through this, I am thinking what would it be if there is no Euromonitor data and what is the YSP Solidiance position within this consulting industry. Definitely we can not and should not compete with market survey companies, who has more established channel for information collection. How to utilized their data and combine with our strengths to provide more value added output is what I should think about.

SEA opportunities

Anna form PH office came to TW today, its nice to meet some colleague in different place. During the lunch, Anna shared a lot of SEA insights: l    Philippine may be the first place for TW companies to enter n    English environment n    Balanced sex ratio n    Stable policies n    Relative large market n    Non-Islamic country l    Thailand and Malaysia is deemed as well developed countries in SEA l    Indonesia has the largest population in SEA, however, the policy and religion are not favor foreign companies l    Few Taiwan brand show in SEA, instead, Japan company is with high exposures We also think about what kind of Taiwan specialties can be brought to SEA. One potential product could be “Bao” ( 割包 or 狗咬豬 ) !!

Taiwan Suit market and foresee

Thanks to the project that require a preliminary research in Taiwan suit market which make me understand suit more and surging up my intention to get another new one. From my studying, hot and humid weather seems a critical issue and cause a low suit penetration rate in Taiwan. One vivid story to this, one of my friends who pursuit gentleman spirit, he keep his office temperature in 18 degree all the time then he can wear shirt, tie, jacket and even vest. As young generation embracing oversea culture from movies (i.e. Kingsman) and Korean drama, also the awareness of wearing suit that fit,  we may see increasing MTM/bespoke suit demand in Taiwan.

Get along the road

Hmmmm... 有人說 如果在職場 老闆沒有幫你安排道路 你就必須要自己安排 安排需要思考 思考需要時間 我想一個月的時間足夠了 不管是否找到機會 我想至少讓自己更能看得透徹 至少給自己的目標是 了解接下來的3年、5年想要在怎樣的城市生活 過甚麼樣的人生 對這公司很傷心阿 一群沒有能力的人搞著自己的小圈圈 只會向下沉淪 固守陣地的各位 犧牲年輕人 犧牲有能力者 導致沒有自我思考能力的小朋友 盲目追從 控制人心 很簡單 夠假 夠會畫大餅即可 搖醒這些人 很難 這一切都在自己醒過來的那個片刻 變得跟水晶一般透明 清楚

Hot Toddy 酒譜

熱紅茶 (熱水也可以) : 這次是用Twinning 的紅茶茶包 威士忌 : Aberfeldy 12 年 single malt 下次可以嘗試用調和威士忌調調看,據說香味會更為明顯(看著櫃子裡的Blue label heyhey.....) 檸檬一片 : 先擠出檸檬汁,再放入杯中 蜂蜜 : 適量 熱水沖開紅茶茶包後已水3:威士忌1的比例調和,加入檸檬汁與蜂蜜攪拌即可 網路推薦可以放入肉桂棒與其他香料,似乎會更佳,會讓熱酒香味更有層次,下次值得嘗試


壓力鍋 水一半 蛋泡水至常溫,上下戳洞 大火至壓力閥第二紅線 轉小火5分鐘 關火悶3分鐘 洩壓開鍋 泡冰水剝殼 推測與嘗試: 糖心蛋小火4分鐘 悶2分鐘